Action Item Tasks

When creating or editing a property item, skill, training or employee event, you have the ability to record outstanding tasks. This includes the task details, set a due date and reminders, add applicable notes and attach reports and other links.

Tasks can be assigned to other HR3 users, in which case reminders pop up for that other user at the set reminder time (or the next time the user logs in).


Field Explanation
Assign To

If this a task for someone else to complete you can assign it to them. This will be included in Action Items on the Company Announcements screen when they log in to HR3people.

Click Assign to display the Search box. Type in text for their name then click Search. When you have located the Contact Name, double click it to add it to the Assign field.

Subject Enter a subject to identify the phone message in lists, or grids, of items.
Due Date Select the date and time this phone call occurred.
Priority Select from low, normal or high.
Reminder Tick this box if you want a reminder to be displayed, and specify the date and time this reminder is to appear. Note that this reminder will be displayed in HR3pay not HR3people.
Complete If the task has been done, tick this box.
Task Body Type the details of the task in the task body. Note, if you want to automatically populate the task with details of the property, skill, training or event, you should first create an Action Item Template.) In the lower section of the task, drag and drop any attachments you want to link to the task, for example reports, employee files and so on.
Categories If relevant, select a category for the task.

When you add or edit entries in this window, the Editing Toolbar will be displayed. The functions available using this toolbar are described fully in The Editing Toolbar.